What We Do


Ser el puente entre la comunidad y los recursos disponibles para reducir las barreras de comunicación y culturales que impiden el acceso a los servicios


Ser el puente entre la comunidad y los recursos disponibles para reducir las barreras de comunicación y culturales que impiden el acceso a los servicios


Promotor@s Las Vegas (PLV) started in 2020 as a group of volunteer community health workers who shared the same dream and passion of helping the Hispanic community to eliminate language and cultural barriers facilitating access to health education, health services, and community resources to underinsured, underserved minorities. 

PLV became a Nevada nonprofit organization towards the end of 2022 supported greatly by The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) who’s Department of Chronic Desease Prevention became one of PLV’s biggest mentors and collaborators. 

PLV strives to understand what are the needs of the community, and create partnerships and programs geared towards meeting those needs. Which is why besides having 8 preventive health active programs in partnership with the SNHD, Promotor@s Las Vegas has also expanded its efforts to areas such as education, social justice, environmental equity, wellness and mental health.

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